yeah this is me lol – Matt (aka Aeson8hutters)
Hi Everyone!
I will make this short and sweet so you can start going around my blogs and not waste more time 🙂 My name is Matt, at times also known as Matt-Kun or Aeson8utters (to some people that knows me lol)
Back in 2000, I started GeistGrafiX Multimedia my own company as a Videographer and been doing the same medium up until 2008 when I decided to dive into Digital Photography. I learned so much in photography during all these years that I apply those skills and methods into my videography as I do now. I’ve done services of videography and photography ranging to events, concerts, fashion, glamour, weddings, portraits, sports, carshows and commercial. While I am still with GeistGrafix Multimedia, I recently joined Tribe 3 Productions to be part of their crew in campaign for WAKO Team USA. I am blessed to be part of this team and look forward to see where the future takes me. You can check out Tribe 3 Productions on this link in Facebook.
Now you may be asking why start a blog site now? Well social media is at its highest point right now, this is just going to get bigger. And I don’t want to fall behind from it all. At the same time, sometimes writing helps me focus and one place where I can be myself. There are more things that I’d like to share, but would want to reserve those in my blogs:) So make sure you stay tune and subscribe to my mailing list where you will receive a “Survival Guide Photography for Beginners” PDF written by me. I also plan to have more contents in my YouTube channel so make sure you check it out.
Instagram: @aeson8hutters
Youtube: I am PhotoVideoist Channel
Business Website: GeistGrafiX Multimedia