So how I got this new hobby into my radar? Actually it was buddy Chris’ fault (Callsign: RedHood) lol He’s been wanting me to do some coverage of his Joker’s Airsoft Squad (you can follow them in Facebook and Instagram (@JokersAirsoftSquad) as I have been so busy doing other events. This talk has continued for a bit over a year and two months ago. Then I finally found the time to collaborate and check out what this airsoft is all about. Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page for all the links of airsoft guns/accessories and camera gears I have used in this past event. 😊

Before I jumped into covering their event; I decided to do some homework besides the info that I was told that airsoft is like Paintball game but a LOT cleaner. What I’ve found out that it’s more like a Call of Duty video game concept except in real life! (minus the UAV Predator Missiles and carepackages, VTOLS and such lol) I’ve played Paintball before and I agree that it is messy. I remember that I get blinded with headshots and paint smearing my goggles that obscures my view. The difference with airsoft is that the rifles uses plastic BBS (not metal) as ammo and an honor system that if you get hit; you must say “hit”.Or raise your hand that you are hit. To those players who don’t call their hits and who kept on playing without walking back in their respawn bases; they are frowned upon the community of airsoft players. That behavior makes that player a cheat/toxic, ruins the whole point of the game and the integrity of the sport. If and when you get hit, you have to walk back to your respawn area and go at it again.
From respawn area Warren Callsign: WU-Tang
On the day I am to cover for the Joker’s Airsoft Squad team, we went to BlackOps in Bristol Wisconsin (@blackopsbristol) as my first assignment. This place was huge with acres and acres lot of field and quarter houses, left over junk cars and barrels. Definitely lots of place to hide for cover to all players out there who don’t want to get hit. (Well that’s the whole point lol)
Celso Callsign: Loops Celso Callsign: Loops Corey Callsign: Raven Warren Callsign: WU-Tang with the bomb.
As the morning goes, more and more players show up, each with their own party and flags that’s pretty much a branding of their squad. Everyone falls inline to sign some waivers before they play to make sure that the place hosting the event won’t be liable for any injuries that may happen to that individual. But it does not limit them from tendering the injured or call an EMT. The games are overlooked and responsible by a number of referees in the field where if malicious intent or if some cheating happens; they will observe the player. If rules were broken, they kick the player out for the rest of the day. They pretty much do their best to keep the gameplay smooth and as clean as possible like all referees in all types of sporting events.
Briefing Nino Callsign: Nitto Mark V. Callsign: Alligator Who says no man can run with pink rifle??
What’s really more amazing to me is that there are loadouts that players bring such as their several airsoft guns and their outfits. They are the replicas of the real thing! Sure they are considered toy guns but you have to take these toy guns seriously! Because they are considered a “weapon” and will harm when those BBS hit you! They hurt and sting like the paintball guns.
While the players load up… I was there preparing my “loadout” (my camera gear lol) and getting ready for some photography and video of the event. I was using my Nikon D7000 with 35mm G lens and my trusty 50mm D lens for video and photo combination. I also used my AKASO Action Cam for wide angle shots of action strictly for video. You can check out my small video just below after this paragraph. Little did I know that as I am about to run into the field with the rest of these players armed to the teeth! I realized then that as I run with them; my camera and lenses has no protection from these BBS!! EEK!! I had to think fast how to protect my lenses! I resorted to covering the lens with my hand if I know I’m not capturing anything. As the whistle blew and all of us ran from our respawn area. I took my first 20 steps; then a BB actually hit the body of my Nikon D7000 camera! I was like “aww hell nah!!??” Luckily it bounced off due to camera’s tougher exterior! Knowing the chances of my camera getting hit with the BBS are at 100 percent… it will never stop me from getting these shots! (See the video below)
The event was really exhilarating and since then; I’ve been hit with plenty of BBS (players mistaken me as enemy even though I am wearing a hazard vest) They were all pretty much apologetic for the most part. Most like to be on camera which was nice 😊 I was more worried about exposing their positions lol After experiencing getting hit with BBS; it actually wasn’t too bad. Then Chris D. (Callsign: RedHood) asked me an ultimate question… “Would you like to try it Matt? We will lend you our loadout and the works so you can experience it yourself.” And I was like “hmmmm… Sure! Why not?”.
Ben (Callsign: N0bunaga) and Chris (Callsign: Red Hood) Meditating before the game. Dson (Callsign: Doombringer) Chris (Callsign: Red Hood) Dson (Callsign: Doombringer) Peeking on the corner. Kevin (Callsign: HighTower)
I tell you, my 1st experience was heart pounding and lots of running around and hiding for cover. I get shot the 1st time and that seems to be the only relief that I get as I walk back into my spawn. Then adrenaline kicks back in again at full gear right after I respawn. I camped in one of the houses when I saw this player sneak through the door across where I was at; I aimed my rifle and made sure he is my enemy because they were wearing blue band (I was red team) I shot him and got my first kill! I was pretty much holding the house and keeping the opponents from advancing. Then the game was over. That was one of the most exhilarating experience in a long while for me since I last played a game that are competitive. Not only that; I was drenched in sweat with all these running and crouching where its almost doing hundred of these squats!!! This was the moment that I was addicted lol
Joker’s OG, Joker’s NonStop and Joker’sPPS division. Joker’s OG, Joker’s NonStop and Joker’sPPS three division squads. Loading up Search and Destroy
In the course of the next two months, I have played over 5 games which Joker’s Airsoft Squad officially patched me in into their squad. My callsign now is “PhotoBomber” 😊 I have learned a lot more tactics in close quarter battles, room clearing, integrating with the teammates, to properly holding rifles and learning all about these equipment! Although in these games, you can freely run in and gun with no fear. In reality, no one would ever run and gun in a real life firefight. Because you only have one life. Upon joining the Joker’s Airsoft Squad, they provided me my own rifle that is AEG (G&G variant on the internal) and some basic protection like vest/goggles and pouches for my mags. I am so grateful and appreciate everyone’s hospitality that they gave me these gear. I guess they have seen my dedication into the game:). With that, I’ve been finding myself shopping for other things to upgrade my gear. I purchased a Kevlar helmet, tactical lights, reflex sights for the rifle, a new 1911 pistol and especially one of my most favorite… my protection skull face mask. It just looks mean and scary and can personalize it to my liking. 😊

My experience has been awesome so far and I have not slowed down one bit. Lately since it’s cold weather, I’ve been playing a lot at Power Waukegan IL which is the biggest indoor airsoft field that recently opened. Lots of urban graffiti by your local artist who volunteered and the place is Very Huge!! The manager of the place is Rodney and a real awesome guy! (He just got patched into our Joker’s Squad PPS Division actually:) At Power, the place is one of the best places for CQB (close quarter battles) and no “bang” kills at close range. Meaning you can’t just say “BANG” unlike other fields when less than 5ft away from the opponent. It’s a shoot at any range for a kill. There are two fields that you can play at Power and that depends on how many players are in the field. What also makes it interesting is that they can combine the two field together which makes it the 3rd field to play! Rodney and their organization has some more ideas in store such as moving walls on certain areas where the maps constantly changes to tournaments such as NSL. To check out their Power airsoft arena, please visit and like them on Facebook (@powerwaukegan)
The Joker’s NonStop squad division on NSL speedsoft tournament. Cody (Callsign: Squeeze) The Banner Joker’s OG and Joker’s PPS (Pew-Pew Squad) division. N0bunaga
In conclusion; I find this activity very addicting and the rewards are that I have a full body workout, meet new people and a place where you would want to blow off some steam. I always go home with my shirt fully drenched in sweat lol For every time I wear my loadout and as soon as I donned my mask; it seems that another side of me comes out. Maybe it’s the mask that I’m wearing that comes out… or maybe it’s because lately I’ve been watching a lot of “Watchmen” the series that when you wear a mask… something else takes over you lol Whatever the case maybe, I have to constantly remind myself that I still have to take pictures and some videos of the event that I go to!! Because my original task gets sidelined once I start playing!! LOL
Please see the items below if you would like to check them out.
Camera Gear:
Nikon D7000 (body only)
Nikon 50mm 1.8F D Lens
AKASO EK7000 4K Wifi sportcamera
Airsoft Guns and Supplies:
G&G Armament CM16 Predator Airsoft Rifle
Krytac Kriss Vector AEG Rifle
.25 Evike 6mm airsoft bbs 5k rounds
.25 Crossman 6mm bbs 2k rounds
Airsoft FaceMask and Goggles
Full Face Mask
i5 Dye Full Face Mask