I am pretty big on supporting local businesses (Chicago) whether it’s big or small. When it comes to fashion trend magazine, one online magazine that stood out to me is Models Digest Trends. Each page, the layout and composition reminds me of one of those retail magazines that you see on the newsstands such as Vogue, Teen, Cosmopolitan, etc…

The magazine doesn’t just focus on what’s the latest trends in fashion industry, but also showcase the featured models. The model gets to share and voice their perspective in the magazine about the ever changing model/fashion industry. Models Digest Trends magazine does not discriminate, all models are welcome whether you are a beginner or pro.

The pages are easy on the eyes on use of fonts and graphics that are laid out as it leads you to the next page. Also the topics and articles within the magazine are not long and drawn out making the read more enjoyable before you get to the next featured model.

The person responsible in making this magazine possible is none other than Editor-in-Chief Victor Silas. He is a talented photographer and a professional. I personally got a chance to be an assistant in one of the shoot that he did for Gianna Dizon (which is the Christmas Edition that is available now! Subscribe and get a copy Here!) and I am impressed of his knowledge in the industry and vision. Victor possess a lot of patience as he works the set and how he communicates with people on his team.

The magazine features other photographers, make-up artist and designers which is really nice. Give credit to where credit is due right?:) Besides his magazine and photography, Victor and his team have so much to offer in regards to professional services. From creative process, portfolio building, fashion design and model mentorship program.

As the year wraps up for the edition of this magazine, I look forward for what’s in store for the next issue. To check out the magazine, you can subscribe to https://www.modelsdigesttrends.com/subscribe/ and you can follow the magazine in Instagram @modelsdigesttrends.
Keep on the look out! -Matt L. (IG: @Aeson8hutters)